- [20241201] 祝贺实验室研究生刘英杰、杨文韬获得研究生国家奖学金。
- [20240401] 2篇论文分别被AAAI 2024和CVPR 2024录用。
- [20231107] 祝贺实验室研究生司广哲、翟吉平获得研究生国家奖学金。
- [20230701] 祝贺实验室研究生郭宗辉及成果(报道)获得学校研究生最高荣誉和奖励“研究生卓越奖学金”(6万元)。
- [20230522] 实验室郑海永晋升为中国图象图形学会高级会员。
- [20230320] 实验室郑海永当选IEEE海洋工程学协会水下光学与视觉技术委员会主席(2023-2024)。
- [20220928] 实验室郑海永晋升为IEEE Senior Member。
- [20220910] 1篇论文被IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence录用。
- [20220816] 1篇论文被Reviews in Aquaculture录用。
- [20220630] 1篇论文被ACM MM 2022录用。
- [20220319] 1篇论文被IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering录用。
- [20210910] 获批1项国家自然科学基金面上项目。
- [20210901] 3篇论文被ICCV 2021录用。
- [20210801] 1篇论文被ISMIR 2021录用。
- [20210309] 1篇论文被CVPR 2021录用。
- [20201027] 祝贺实验室研究生刘鸿智、曹亮杰获得研究生国家奖学金。
- [20200729] 1篇论文被ACM MM 2020录用。
- [20200707] 2篇论文被ECCV 2020录用。
- [20191212] 1篇论文被International Journal of Computer Vision录用。
- [201808-201907] 在此期间郑海永赴英国邓迪大学访问,欢迎邮件交流。
- [20191011] 祝贺实验室研究生邱晨晨获得研究生国家奖学金。
- [20181219] 祝贺实验室研究生杜昂昂成功入选高校学生DeeCamp2019冬令营.
- [20181119] 1篇论文被IEEE Access录用。
- [20181105] 祝贺实验室研究生邱晨晨、刘静分别获得Tymphany新声力量奖学金和中国银行研究生学术之星奖学金。
- [20181102] 实验室郑海永受邀 IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering Associate Editor。
- [20181101] 1篇论文被IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering录用。
- [20181024] 祝贺实验室研究生杜昂昂荣获GeekPwn2018“GAN掉马赛克挑战赛”第一名。
- [20181021] 祝贺实验室研究生王超、李娜、张少永获得研究生国家奖学金。
- [20181014] 1篇论文被IEEE Access录用。
- [20180930] 祝贺实验室本科生郑自强赴日本奈良先端科学技术大学院大学实习。
- [20180911] 1篇论文被IEEE Access录用。
- [20180830] 祝贺实验室研一邱晨晨将赴创新奇智实习。
- [20180827] 1篇论文被Neurocomputing录用。
- [20180703] 1篇论文被ECCV 2018录用。[CODE]
- [20180625] 祝贺实验室研究生邱晨晨和本科生苑浩成功入选2018高校学生DeeCamp人工智能训练营。
- [20180623] 祝贺实验室杜昂昂、张少永、邱晨晨、郑自强、苑浩组成的“东部世界”战队获得未来杯高校AI挑战赛2018图像算法类华北赛区第二名。[新闻]
- [20180616] 1篇论文被IEEE Access录用。
- [20180606] 祝贺实验室研二王超、张少永、李娜分别赴日本日立(东京)、中科院自动化所(南京)、三星电子(北京)实习。
- [20180605] 1篇论文被Optics and Laser Technology录用。
- [20180514] 1篇论文被Nonlinear Dynamics录用。
- [20180421] 实验室郑海永受邀 IEEE Access Associate Editor。
- [20180411] 1篇论文被ICPR 2018录用。
- [20171211] 1篇论文被Computers and Electrical Engineering录用。
- [20170920] 1篇论文被InCoB 2017录用并获得最佳论文金奖。[幻灯片]
- [20170912] 1篇论文被IEEE Access录用。
- [20170908] 1篇论文被Optics Express录用。
- [20170823] 1篇论文被IET Image Processing录用。
- [20170822] 3项国家自然科学基金项目获批。
- [20170509] 1篇论文被IEEE ICIP 2017录用。
- [20170424] VALSE2017厦门受邀报告“Underwater Vision from Optics and Imaging to Vision and Learning”。[幻灯片] [视频]
- [20170307] 2017年春季学期《面向对象程序设计》将于2017年3月7日开课。
- [20161126] 祝贺实验室 戴嘉伦 获得研究生国家奖学金!
- [20160912] 2016年秋季学期《高级语言程序设计》将于2016年9月19日开课。
- [20160728] 我们发表在IEEE CVPRW (WBIR) 2016关于“视网膜血管图像配准”的代码发布了! [论文] [代码]
- [20160522] 祝贺实验室 邱欣欣 朱亚菲 和 孙晓庆 顺利通过硕士学位论文答辩!
- [20160214] 2016年春季学期《C程序设计》将于2016年3月9日开课。
- [20160214] 2016年春季学期《计算机视觉导论》将于2016年3月11日开课。
- [20150825] 实验室获批中央高校基本科研业务费项目(95万元)和山东省本科高校教学改革研究项目(5万元)各一项。
- [20150825] 2015年秋季学期《通信电子电路》将于2015年9月23日开课。
- [20150629] 祝贺实验室 赵红苗 和 孙雪 获得硕士学位!
- [20150316] 2015年春季学期《计算机视觉导论》将于2015年3月17日开课。
- [20150304] 2015年春季学期《电子线路II》将于2015年3月9日开课。
- [20141218] 实验室需要本科生参与算法编程(Matlab/C/C++)工作,有意者请邮件联系。
- [20140930] 2014年秋季学期《计算生物学》将于2014年10月13日开课。
- [20140929] 2014年秋季学期《通信电子电路》将于2014年10月8日开课。
- [20140912] 自由软件日2014青岛站将于2014年9月19日晚上18:00在中国海洋大学崂山校区教学区4401教室举行,诚挚邀请您的参与!
- [20140902] 欢迎实验室新成员!
- [20241201] Congratulations to Yingjie Liu and Wentao Yang on winning the National Scholarship for Graduate Students.
- [20240401] Two papers accepted by AAAI 2024 and CVPR 2024 respectively.
- [20231107] Congratulations to Guangzhe Si and Jiping Zhai on winning the National Scholarship for Graduate Students.
- [20230701] Congratulations to Dr. Zonghui Guo with the achievement (news report) on winning the "Outstanding Scholarship" which is the highest honor and award for graduate students at OUC.
- [20230522] Dr. Haiyong Zheng has been elevated to the grade of CSIG Senior Member.
- [20230320] Dr. Haiyong Zheng has been elected to Chair of IEEE OES Technology Committee on Subsea Optics and Vision (2023-2024).
- [20220928] Dr. Haiyong Zheng has been elevated to the grade of IEEE Senior Member.
- [20220910] One paper accepted by IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence.
- [20220816] One paper accepted by Reviews in Aquaculture.
- [20220630] One paper accepted by ACM MM 2022.
- [20220319] One paper accepted by IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering.
- [20210910] One project granted by NSFC.
- [20210901] Three papers accepted by ICCV 2021.
- [20210801] One paper accepted by ISMIR 2021.
- [20210309] One paper accepted by CVPR 2021.
- [20201027] Congratulations to Hongzhi Liu and Liangjie Cao on winning the National Scholarship for Graduate Students.
- [20200729] One paper accepted by ACM MM 2020.
- [20200707] Two papers accepted by ECCV 2020.
- [20191212] One paper accepted by International Journal of Computer Vision.
- [201808-201907] Haiyong Zheng is visiting University of Dundee during this period, welcome to email me.
- [20191011] Congratulations to Chenchen Qiu on winning the National Scholarship for Graduate Students.
- [20181219] Congratulations to Angang Du accepted by DeeCamp 2019 Winter Program.
- [20181119] One paper accepted by IEEE Access.
- [20181105] Congratulations to Chenchen Qiu and Jing Liu on winning Tymphany Scholarship for New Voice Power and Back of China Scholarship for Graduate Academic Star respectively.
- [20181102] Dr. Haiyong Zheng was invited to serve as an Associate Editor for IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering.
- [20181101] One paper accepted by IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering.
- [20181024] Congratulations to Angang Du on winning the 1st rank of "GAN Mosaic" in GeekPwn2018.
- [20181021] Congratulations to Chao Wang, Na Li, and Shaoyong Zhang on winning the National Scholarship for Graduate Students.
- [20181014] One paper accepted by IEEE Access.
- [20180930] Congratulations to Ziqiang Zheng accepted by Nara Institute of Science and Technology for intern.
- [20180911] One paper accepted by IEEE Access.
- [20180830] Congratulations to Chenchen Qiu accepted by Chuangxin Qizhi for intern.
- [20180827] One paper accepted by Neurocomputing.
- [20180703] One paper accepted by ECCV 2018. [CODE]
- [20180625] Congratulations to Chenchen Qiu and Hao Yuan accepted by 2018 DeeCamp International AI Training Program.
- [20180625] Congratulations to Chenchen Qiu accepted by 2018 DeeCamp International AI Training Program.
- [20180623] Congratulations to Angang Du, Shaoyong Zhang, Chenchen Qiu, Ziqiang Zheng, and Hao Yuan with their "East World" team on winning the 2nd place in the North China division of 2018 Future AI Challenge on Image Algorithms. [News]
- [20180616] One paper accepted by IEEE Access.
- [20180606] Congratulations to Chao Wang, Shaoyong Zhang, and Na Li accepted by Hitachi (Tokyo), Airia (Nanjing), and Samsung (Beijing) for intern respectively.
- [20180605] One paper accepted by Optics and Laser Technology.
- [20180514] One paper accepted by Nonlinear Dynamics.
- [20180421] Dr. Haiyong Zheng was invited to serve as an Associate Editor for IEEE Access.
- [20180411] One paper accepted by ICPR 2018.
- [20171211] One paper accepted by Computers and Electrical Engineering.
- [20170920] One paper accepted by InCoB 2017 and granted Best Paper Award of BMC Track [Gold]. [Slide]
- [20170912] One paper accepted by IEEE Access.
- [20170908] One paper accepted by Optics Express.
- [20170823] One paper accepted by IET Image Processing.
- [20170822] Three projects granted by NSFC.
- [20170509] One paper accepted by IEEE ICIP 2017.
- [20170424] The invited talk "Underwater Vision from Optics and Imaging to Vision and Learning" at VALSE2017, Xiamen. [Slide] [Video]
- [20170307] Object-Oriented Programming (2017Spring) will start from 7th March, 2017.
- [20161126] Congratulations to Jialun Dai on winning the National Scholarship for Graduate Students.
- [20160912] High-Level Language Programming (2016Fall) will start from 19th September, 2016.
- [20160728] The source code of our work published on IEEE CVPRW (WBIR) 2016 about "Retinal Vessel Image Registration" was released! [Paper] [Code]
- [20160522] Congratulations to Xinxin Qiu, Yafei Zhu and Xiaoqing Sun on passing the oral defense of the dissertation for Master's degree!
- [20160214] C Programming Language (2016Spring) will start from 9th March, 2016.
- [20160214] Introduction to Computer Vision (2016Spring) will start from 11st March, 2016.
- [20150825] Granted 1 research project supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities and 1 Shandong Province Undergraduate Teaching Reform Research Project.
- [20150825] Communication Electronic Circuits (2015Fall) will start from 23rd September, 2015.
- [20150629] Congratulations to Hongmiao Zhao and Xue Sun on earning Master's degree!
- [20150316] Introduction to Computer Vision (2015Spring) will start from 17th March, 2015.
- [20150304] Electronic Circuits II (2015Spring) will start from 9th March, 2015.
- [20141218] We need to call for undergraduate students for Matlab/C/C++ programming of algorithms, please email me to join.
- [20140930] Computational Biology (2014Fall) will start from 13th October, 2014.
- [20140929] Communication Electronic Circuits (2014Fall) will start from 8th October, 2014.
- [20140912] Software Freedom Day (SFD) 2014 Qingdao will be celebrated in Room 4401, Laoshan Campus, Ocean University of China at 6:00pm on Friday, 19th September, 2014.
- [20140902] Welcome new lab members!